PFA Bhandara report of Awareness program is proving very helpful in making people aware about:
Animals & their role in human environment, Problems of animals, Rights of Animals, Conserving the habitats of various animals, Man and Animal conflict, Snakes, Laws related to Animals, And many other issues related to Animals
Awareness Programs were conducted in following schools:
Manavta High School & Junior College, Bondgaon, Tahsil- Arjuni, Distt- Bhandara, Maharashtra
Z. P. High School & Junior College, Bondgaon, Tahsil- Arjuni, Distt- Bhandara, Maharashtra
Z. P. High School & Junior College, Pimpalgaon/S, Distt- Bhandara
*Proper wildlife rehabilitation is an extremely biologically and ecologically responsible attitude toward all living things.*