PFA Sirohi

PFA Sirohi animal welfare in the short span of 2 months

PFA Sirohi has done tremendous amount of animal welfare in the short span of 2 months while using the scarce resources available to us, PFA Sirohi has crossed the district boundary for helping the poor voiceless and reached the nearby districts for animal welfare and environment protection.

73 on the spot treatment were given to the accidented and wounded voiceless.

37 animals (12 dogs, 7 donkeys, 9 wildlife animals and other) were adopted in PFA shelter home.

300 trees were planted all across the Sirohi district.

10days- 10 Gau shalas FMD (foot and mouth diseases) vaccination camp was conducted successfully benefitting approx 1200 cows of Sirohi district.

Two days camel vaccination camp was organised in JOJAWAR village of Pali District and NITODA village of Sirohi District.

612 Camels were vaccinated against the SURRA disease and other skin diseases.